If you ask for my phone # in your first message, you will be ignored. Were parents, but we dont always have the kiddos. Don't contact me if
you're looking to cheat, cheaters are disgusting.
***if you're wondering why it says I'm a guy rather than a couple, it's because that's how i signed up. I am NOT interested if you
are 1. Adult personal ads Chico.
Responses may take a while. No facial hair at the moment. We are a easy going couple with insatiable
appetites we love sharing caring and play Laredo we most definitely love to please. Hoping to
catch me something I haven't caught bfor ;).
I m a single Guy and a simple guy who is friendly like Going out,visiting my friends,like meeting new people and making friends. I enjoy lots of oral play, I just can't seem to get enough I like to eat before during and if you need more even after sex.